Day of Pink is the International Day against Bullying, Discrimination and Homophobia across the world. Thanks to our sponsor Urban Street Prints, we were able to provide pink colored Cobraman tees to a classroom of 6th graders. We are a small organization battling bullying in schools and hate crimes online. Find out how you can help us fight bullycide and spread bullying awareness. It’s all in the logo baby!

When we found out that there are few tangible anti-bullying games on the market, we put our heads together, went to work and created three tangible anti-bullying games for kids. Note that our games were not developed to address mental health issues or suicidal tendencies in children. Our games are a unique and useful educational tool to combat bullying. The games were created for kids age 4 – 12, especially designed to teach kids to love one another and say no to bullying. We are offering our games to schools and youth organizations free of charge. 

Sport the logo and spread bullying awareness !

COBRAMAN LOGO is the emblem of inner strength which reminds us of two very important things:

1) We have the power to be anything we want to be in life.
2) We have the power to eliminate bullying by speaking up.